
"Chance made us sisters...

...hearts made us friends."

Adam & I just got home from our niece's T-ball game. What fun! :) I feel so blessed to have Mattie & Nathan as a niece and nephew. It fills my heart with joy to see these beautiful babies growing into amazing children. It is no doubt Matt & Vikki are doing an incredible job.

Moreover, I feel at peace & so blessed to have my new sister-in-law. I know she will be reading this, and I hope she understands what I'm about to say.

I want to thank her for being her, for sharing her thoughts, and listening to mine. We married two wonderful brothers who grew up sharing the same background & experiences. Even though Vikki & I were not together for our experiences growing up, we have so much in common it's as if we did. It's calming to know she understands me. I can share things with her no one else, even my precious husband, can comprehend. It's not everyday you get a chance to build relationships with "in-laws" to the extent she & I are building...

I know no matter what, she will be there to listen & enjoy some sushi every now & then, since the bros would never branch out to try such a thing! :)

I am grateful to call her sister, but most of all, my friend. I love you & thanks.

1 comment:

Vikki said...

Wiping away the tears...thank you so much. Your blog was beautiful and so touching to me. I am so blessed to have you in my life. You are an outstanding person and a great infulence to my children. You will never know what that means to me. Please know that I am and always will be there for you and I know you will be for me too....sister!
Love, Vikki