

Thank goodness it's Friday! I know I'm on summer break & weekends don't seem like much for me; however, it does mean 1) the painter is here, 2) we are having friends over tonight, and 3) my hubby will be home all day tomorrow!

1) Adam's grandmother hired a painter for the outside of the house. He is also painting the screened-in porch on the back of the house...which means Adam & I had to clean it out last night. We have been storing boxes full of my great-grandmother's odds & ends that I was planning to yard sale (three years ago) & of course, "never got around to it." It was harder to do than I anticipated (along with two or three Charlotte's crawling around us). My great-"grandma" passed away in April of 2005. It was an unusual feeling to be sorting through her things with my husband. He hadn't gotten to know Grandma before she died. She had a sever case of dementia & hadn't known who anyone was for years. But as we went through the yellow-trimmed dishes, pea-green canisters, and knitting blankets (that she had crafted herself), I told Adam a few stories of going to Grandma & Papa's house ~ they always had the most beautiful flowers in their garden & the greatest wooden bridge between the house and the backyard. They also had the strongest marriage of anyone I've ever known. Papa used to call her "Momma" & still asks about her everyday. The love he has for her is unmistakable. I can only hope Adam & I have a marriage that epitomizes the true meaning of friendship, love, and happily-ever-after.

2) We usually have friends over on Fridays after work. We grill out, play a little Guitar Hero, and finally get to swim! :) I feel blessed to have so many friends in our lives. Especially, Jon Michael & Whitney. Adam & Whitney are blood cousins ~ his mom & her mom are first cousins. Jon Michael & I lucked up & became a part of the quad through marriage. :) We have such a bond with them now that cannot be replaced. I look forward to family holidays from here on out...Whitney & I have already vouched not to let each other become "old married women." This shall be interesting!

3) Lastly, my husband gets to be home all day tomorrow. Saturdays are the best. We don't have to worry about the alarm blaring & waking us. We get to eat lunch and dinner together (Adam doesn't do breakfast) & figure out what we want to do.

These three things may seem small, but they are some of the newlywed moments I love.
We are learning about one another more & more everyday, we are building relationships with family members, and we are enjoying the little things like a Saturday morning sleep-in.


1,460 days ago...

after going to Riverbend in Chattanooga, TN...Adam looked at me and said, "Well, where do we go from here?" We had been on a couple of dates before then, but hadn't made it "official."

Here we are, four years later, married, & starting our new lives together. It's amazing how time goes by. My aunt & uncle celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary today. My sister & I were the flower girls & now, 15 years later...their daughter, Sadie, was one of our flower girls in our wedding.

Marriage is an amazing thing. Those of you that are - know what I'm talking about. I figured the butterflies would disappear after we came home from our honeymoon - hearing some people tell us "the honeymoon is over." I beg to differ. The honeymoon has just begun.

He is my other half. He keeps me grounded & loves me unconditionally. I look forward to celebrating our 15th anniversary before we know it. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with my best friend. Happy 4 years, Love.


X marks the spot!

X = accomplished task

Yay! I have managed to mark things off of my "to do" list for this week & it's only Wednesday! Lord willing, it will all be completed by the weekend! *sigh*

~To Do~
* Clean house X
* Laundry
* Dry cleaning to the cleaners
* Send my mother-in-law pictures (I've procrastinated long enough ~ sorry)! X
* Call wedding photographer (I'm about to get ugly)
* Order bridal pictures & wedding pictures (If he answers the phone & tells me what to do) X
* Write a paper for Adam's best friend (I know, but I'm getting a mani/pedi out of it ;) X
* Write some thank-you notes
* Check on flower preservations for my BFF's bridal bouquet (Any suggestions)? X
* Register for professional dev'p classes (@ least 3)
* Check on scores from APTTP
* Reserve condo for beach trip
* Birthday gifts: Mattie (6/22), Ma (7/22)
* Wedding gift: Ally & Todd (7/26)
* Gym (Maybe)?
* Car door/tire fixed
* Green Thumb to the backyard/open pool!
* Buy bathing suit (crap)/ beach supplies X
* Add anything else I've forgotten :) X

~New Items~
*Buy stamps & another brown pen for thank-you notes
*Exchange items @ Pottery Barn
*Mail name change form to Educ. Dept.
*Send invitations for Southern Living @ Home PaRtY! (fyi: It's June 23rd ~ time/location: TBA) Blissful Begs. readers are invitied! :)

*Try to X off more than I add to!

Wish me luck!


"Life's Little Luxuries"

Alright, I must preface this post with an image for you...

Adam & I are living in his great-aunt's house, right now. It is a little full-brick rancher in the middle of Huntsville. It has three bedrooms, two baths, dining room, living room, den, kitchen, and a pool. We are living here rent-free so I better shut my mouth, right? :)

Right. Well, my hubby cannot sleep without our room being pitch black & he wakes up if any light shines through a window...I bought some new blinds for our room a while back & they are not the darkening kind. Lots of light tends to shine through; therefore, Adam has placed...eh hem...tacked a blanket to the wall to cover the window.

Last night while getting ready for bed, he noticed I had taken the blanket down & folded it over the corner of the bed. (I took it down while accomplishing my task of cleaning the house). He says, "Why did you take it down?" I told him I thought it was tacky to "tack" a blanket to the wall...he says, "No one can see it but us." Yes 'tis true, my dear, but I can see it. After many attempts to "tack" it back, I could see my precious husband getting a little flustered. I promised him I wouldn't take it down anymore; however, in our new house I would like the following: curtains for all windows in the house, a dresser (his clothes lay neatly in a pile on the floor), and a dishwasher (that isn't human). He agreed and said, "And darkening blinds." :)

Ah, life's little luxuries...can't wait to have them!


~To Do~

Once again I haven't been doing my part & keeping up with my blog. *sigh*

There has been so much going on & so much to do this summer! I really want to get things accomplished so I can have more time to type! After reading a few blogs, I noticed my friend & fellow blogger, Candace, usually has lists typed in a post. Genius! What a way to have it all down in order to accomplish her tasks! Yea, I have a planner/calendar but I don't tend to it like I do when I'm working...

Therefore, I'm making my "to do" list & typing it in a post for all to see. It makes sense, too, because blogging is the social utility made for "getting it all out." Hopefully after I've accomplished typing my "to dos" ~ I'll actually get things done!

X = task accomplished

~To Do~
* Clean house
* Laundry
* Dry cleaning to the cleaners
* Send my mother-in-law pictures (I've procrastinated long enough ~ sorry)!
* Call wedding photographer (I'm about to get ugly)
* Order bridal pictures & wedding pictures (If he answers the phone & tells me what to do)
* Write a paper for Adam's best friend (I know, but I'm getting a mani/pedi out of it ;)
* Write some thank-you notes
* Check on flower preservations for my BFF's bridal bouquet (Any suggestions)?
* Register for professional dev'p classes (@ least 3)
* Check on scores from APTTP
* Reserve condo for beach trip
* Birthday gifts: Mattie (6/22), Ma (7/22)
* Wedding gift: Ally & Todd (7/26)
* Gym (Maybe)?
* Car door/tire fixed
* Green Thumb to the backyard/open pool!
* Buy bathing suit (crap)/ beach supplies
* Add anything else I've forgotten :)

...to be con't...