
One prayer @ a time ~

for my husband. i love you.

Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you will receive them, and you will have them. And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses ~

A man of integrity says something and means it. He doesn't play verbal games so you never really know where he stands. He knows to let his "Yes" be "Yes" and his "No" be "No." "For whatever is more than these is from the evil one" (Matthew 5:37). He will not play both sides of the fence to please everyone. His goal is to please God and do what is right. A man can be highly esteemed among men but an abomination to God (Luke 16:15).

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:8,9).

Isolation is not healthy. We all need the influence of good people to keep us on the right path. Lord, keep us in good company.

Lord, I pray for your protection on us.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you (Ephesians 4:32).

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened (Matthew 7: 7,8).

Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches (Proverbs 24: 3,4).
Lord, grant us wisdom & understanding.

Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart (Galatians 6:9).

Make me a new person, Lord. Give me a fresh perspective, a positive outlook, and a renewed mind.




Thank goodness it's Friday! I know I'm on summer break & weekends don't seem like much for me; however, it does mean 1) the painter is here, 2) we are having friends over tonight, and 3) my hubby will be home all day tomorrow!

1) Adam's grandmother hired a painter for the outside of the house. He is also painting the screened-in porch on the back of the house...which means Adam & I had to clean it out last night. We have been storing boxes full of my great-grandmother's odds & ends that I was planning to yard sale (three years ago) & of course, "never got around to it." It was harder to do than I anticipated (along with two or three Charlotte's crawling around us). My great-"grandma" passed away in April of 2005. It was an unusual feeling to be sorting through her things with my husband. He hadn't gotten to know Grandma before she died. She had a sever case of dementia & hadn't known who anyone was for years. But as we went through the yellow-trimmed dishes, pea-green canisters, and knitting blankets (that she had crafted herself), I told Adam a few stories of going to Grandma & Papa's house ~ they always had the most beautiful flowers in their garden & the greatest wooden bridge between the house and the backyard. They also had the strongest marriage of anyone I've ever known. Papa used to call her "Momma" & still asks about her everyday. The love he has for her is unmistakable. I can only hope Adam & I have a marriage that epitomizes the true meaning of friendship, love, and happily-ever-after.

2) We usually have friends over on Fridays after work. We grill out, play a little Guitar Hero, and finally get to swim! :) I feel blessed to have so many friends in our lives. Especially, Jon Michael & Whitney. Adam & Whitney are blood cousins ~ his mom & her mom are first cousins. Jon Michael & I lucked up & became a part of the quad through marriage. :) We have such a bond with them now that cannot be replaced. I look forward to family holidays from here on out...Whitney & I have already vouched not to let each other become "old married women." This shall be interesting!

3) Lastly, my husband gets to be home all day tomorrow. Saturdays are the best. We don't have to worry about the alarm blaring & waking us. We get to eat lunch and dinner together (Adam doesn't do breakfast) & figure out what we want to do.

These three things may seem small, but they are some of the newlywed moments I love.
We are learning about one another more & more everyday, we are building relationships with family members, and we are enjoying the little things like a Saturday morning sleep-in.


1,460 days ago...

after going to Riverbend in Chattanooga, TN...Adam looked at me and said, "Well, where do we go from here?" We had been on a couple of dates before then, but hadn't made it "official."

Here we are, four years later, married, & starting our new lives together. It's amazing how time goes by. My aunt & uncle celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary today. My sister & I were the flower girls & now, 15 years later...their daughter, Sadie, was one of our flower girls in our wedding.

Marriage is an amazing thing. Those of you that are - know what I'm talking about. I figured the butterflies would disappear after we came home from our honeymoon - hearing some people tell us "the honeymoon is over." I beg to differ. The honeymoon has just begun.

He is my other half. He keeps me grounded & loves me unconditionally. I look forward to celebrating our 15th anniversary before we know it. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with my best friend. Happy 4 years, Love.


X marks the spot!

X = accomplished task

Yay! I have managed to mark things off of my "to do" list for this week & it's only Wednesday! Lord willing, it will all be completed by the weekend! *sigh*

~To Do~
* Clean house X
* Laundry
* Dry cleaning to the cleaners
* Send my mother-in-law pictures (I've procrastinated long enough ~ sorry)! X
* Call wedding photographer (I'm about to get ugly)
* Order bridal pictures & wedding pictures (If he answers the phone & tells me what to do) X
* Write a paper for Adam's best friend (I know, but I'm getting a mani/pedi out of it ;) X
* Write some thank-you notes
* Check on flower preservations for my BFF's bridal bouquet (Any suggestions)? X
* Register for professional dev'p classes (@ least 3)
* Check on scores from APTTP
* Reserve condo for beach trip
* Birthday gifts: Mattie (6/22), Ma (7/22)
* Wedding gift: Ally & Todd (7/26)
* Gym (Maybe)?
* Car door/tire fixed
* Green Thumb to the backyard/open pool!
* Buy bathing suit (crap)/ beach supplies X
* Add anything else I've forgotten :) X

~New Items~
*Buy stamps & another brown pen for thank-you notes
*Exchange items @ Pottery Barn
*Mail name change form to Educ. Dept.
*Send invitations for Southern Living @ Home PaRtY! (fyi: It's June 23rd ~ time/location: TBA) Blissful Begs. readers are invitied! :)

*Try to X off more than I add to!

Wish me luck!


"Life's Little Luxuries"

Alright, I must preface this post with an image for you...

Adam & I are living in his great-aunt's house, right now. It is a little full-brick rancher in the middle of Huntsville. It has three bedrooms, two baths, dining room, living room, den, kitchen, and a pool. We are living here rent-free so I better shut my mouth, right? :)

Right. Well, my hubby cannot sleep without our room being pitch black & he wakes up if any light shines through a window...I bought some new blinds for our room a while back & they are not the darkening kind. Lots of light tends to shine through; therefore, Adam has placed...eh hem...tacked a blanket to the wall to cover the window.

Last night while getting ready for bed, he noticed I had taken the blanket down & folded it over the corner of the bed. (I took it down while accomplishing my task of cleaning the house). He says, "Why did you take it down?" I told him I thought it was tacky to "tack" a blanket to the wall...he says, "No one can see it but us." Yes 'tis true, my dear, but I can see it. After many attempts to "tack" it back, I could see my precious husband getting a little flustered. I promised him I wouldn't take it down anymore; however, in our new house I would like the following: curtains for all windows in the house, a dresser (his clothes lay neatly in a pile on the floor), and a dishwasher (that isn't human). He agreed and said, "And darkening blinds." :)

Ah, life's little luxuries...can't wait to have them!


~To Do~

Once again I haven't been doing my part & keeping up with my blog. *sigh*

There has been so much going on & so much to do this summer! I really want to get things accomplished so I can have more time to type! After reading a few blogs, I noticed my friend & fellow blogger, Candace, usually has lists typed in a post. Genius! What a way to have it all down in order to accomplish her tasks! Yea, I have a planner/calendar but I don't tend to it like I do when I'm working...

Therefore, I'm making my "to do" list & typing it in a post for all to see. It makes sense, too, because blogging is the social utility made for "getting it all out." Hopefully after I've accomplished typing my "to dos" ~ I'll actually get things done!

X = task accomplished

~To Do~
* Clean house
* Laundry
* Dry cleaning to the cleaners
* Send my mother-in-law pictures (I've procrastinated long enough ~ sorry)!
* Call wedding photographer (I'm about to get ugly)
* Order bridal pictures & wedding pictures (If he answers the phone & tells me what to do)
* Write a paper for Adam's best friend (I know, but I'm getting a mani/pedi out of it ;)
* Write some thank-you notes
* Check on flower preservations for my BFF's bridal bouquet (Any suggestions)?
* Register for professional dev'p classes (@ least 3)
* Check on scores from APTTP
* Reserve condo for beach trip
* Birthday gifts: Mattie (6/22), Ma (7/22)
* Wedding gift: Ally & Todd (7/26)
* Gym (Maybe)?
* Car door/tire fixed
* Green Thumb to the backyard/open pool!
* Buy bathing suit (crap)/ beach supplies
* Add anything else I've forgotten :)

...to be con't...


"Oh a hunting we will go!"

The house hunting has officially begun! Well, sort of.

Adam brought home a Homes & Land magazine yesterday. He had torn out a picture of "a favorite" he eyed earlier in the day. I must say, he has very good taste. :) I'm relieved he & I have the same wants as far as "the" house goes. We are looking for a quaint, cute, little starter home...I cannot wait to get my hands (& my Pottery Barn magazines) on whatever we choose! :P I have been saving pics of ideas I've found for decor, etc. & I'm more than ready to use them!

This summer, we plan on getting everything ready to go (i.e., approvals, etc). I'm very much looking forward to this time in our lives. Granted, I'm extremely thankful we are living "rent free" and have a chance to save some moo-laa, I'm still ready to have our "own" place. I'm ready to "make it ours" and come "home."

So for now, the bows are out & the arrows are sharpened...the hunt is on!


"Chance made us sisters...

...hearts made us friends."

Adam & I just got home from our niece's T-ball game. What fun! :) I feel so blessed to have Mattie & Nathan as a niece and nephew. It fills my heart with joy to see these beautiful babies growing into amazing children. It is no doubt Matt & Vikki are doing an incredible job.

Moreover, I feel at peace & so blessed to have my new sister-in-law. I know she will be reading this, and I hope she understands what I'm about to say.

I want to thank her for being her, for sharing her thoughts, and listening to mine. We married two wonderful brothers who grew up sharing the same background & experiences. Even though Vikki & I were not together for our experiences growing up, we have so much in common it's as if we did. It's calming to know she understands me. I can share things with her no one else, even my precious husband, can comprehend. It's not everyday you get a chance to build relationships with "in-laws" to the extent she & I are building...

I know no matter what, she will be there to listen & enjoy some sushi every now & then, since the bros would never branch out to try such a thing! :)

I am grateful to call her sister, but most of all, my friend. I love you & thanks.



Time flies when you're having fun! So cliche', I know, I know...
As much as this blog soothes my soul, I have been so busy the past few weeks I haven't had a chance to sit & type!

It's crazy how three weeks will just slip away. Anywho, I'm very grateful to be back on the blogger bandwagon, once more, & I chose today to relieve some stress.

Two years ago, my family & I went through one of the most traumatic experiences of our lives. I will preface using some words from my amazing mother...

"One day, not so very long ago, a beautiful fairy princess was born to a silly little village girl. The silly village mama watched in wonder as her baby grew up very quickly. She continued to grow in grace and with joy and when the evil dragon came to the village, her beauty and dignity remained unchanged. The princess danced and twirled and lived and continued to fill the world with more magic than it ever knew before."

The evil dragon turns 50 today. It is his birthday. It is a day we celebrated many times before. Now, I wonder, "Do they even acknowledge birthdays in prison?" I doubt it. My heart sinks. My stomach is in knots. I feel sorry for him. I know, strange. But in some intangible form, I forgive him. I have tried to keep my dignity, heart, and life afloat. I hope I have succeeded. I am now a wife, a daughter, a sister, a teacher...no longer am I a victim.

Life is glorious now. My family is peaceful. I am grateful. I am strong. Today, no longer will we celebrate his birthday...we will celebrate our "rebirth."


Stolen Identity

sort. of.

Adam & I are about to embark on one of the most crucial points in our marriage & one of the boosts for this blog...house hunting. We have a few hurdles to jump before we take the (2nd) big plunge; however, like many of our friends, we are scoping the market & I am scoping some fab ideas for "the house." Ok, ok. I'm stealing some ideas. Some friends from high school have beautiful blogs that I have been eyeing every now & then...they too, have been eyeing others. Thus, making me feel better about my steals. One of those being this oh-so-cute wall decal from Etsy. I bought it a few days ago hoping that it will be the first inspiration for some fresh ideas in a new home. I thought it was a great start. And yes, I did have "The Boyetts" 'established 2008' printed on it...although, I'm sure "The Larson Family" is precious.


"Mama, what's vacation mean?"

"Vacation's when you go somewhe'e...& don't ever come back."

Ahhhh...how I wish that was the true definition! :) It's official! Our first vacation as a married couple is booked! It's technically a family vacay. My gracious grandparents & MoMmA planned a Destin, FL trip Memorial Day weekend. I'm pretty excited about it. We haven't been on vacation with the FaM in a long while. In fact, this will be Adam's first trip "away" from home with my family. It shall be interesting.

I'm thrilled to go to the beach! Our Disney honeymoon was unforgettable; however, it was not a relaxing honeymoon due to "the warm fuzzy feeling" you get when you ride every ride in every park...which is what we did. :P So, I'm looking forward to sand between my toes & my freckles making their yearly appearance.

There's just something about the beach. Adam & I went very shortly after we started dating in 2004 and had one of the best summers of our lives. It was the magical moment/time/place that we told each other "I love you." *sigh*

I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of our first vacay of the year...I've already begun hunting beach bags & new outfits. But, until I find it, enjoy some pics of our "home away from home" while in Destin! YAY! Spring is here & summer is near!!



The Trip to Plentiful

Plen-ti-ful according to Webster's means "a great or rich supply." Don't get me wrong! I have a rich supply of good things & good people!

I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend...life is grand! However, I have been doing some serious thinking over the past seven days ~ hence the lack of postage. I have taken a trip to Chattanooga to visit old friends, have started "spring cleaning" the house, and have begun another "I'm gonna lose ten pounds before summer" workout regimen...and decided that I'm going back to school.

I know, I know. I haven't even begun teaching in my own classroom yet. Since graduation, I have taken a few positions here & there, from teaching Pre-K kiddos to fifth-grade "darlings." And no, I'm not going back to do something else. I'm going back to become more. I plan on teaching in a classroom while I'm in school because I do love it oh, so much! I've just known since graduating from UTC that I wanted to continue on with my master's and, God willing, onto my doctorate...in something.

I haven't decided what that something is. But it's time! This is the goal I have set for myself before I leave hectic vet visits and continue to soccer games, etc. The idea is not set in stone, as of yet. I haven't registered for classes or anything. I've just come to the conclusion that I am definitely going back...and soon. I am going to dinner with my grandparent's best friends whom are both professors at MTSU. I wanted to get some insight about when/where/and how I should go about doing this. So for now, I'm just gathering my thoughts, discussing with my husband, and washing my clothes so I can pack for my trip to plentiful.


First comes love, then comes marriage...

then we WAIT years before a baby carriage!!

No, it's not what you think. :) I took Brodie to the vet today & let me tell you what...I have the utmost respect for my grandmother, my mother, my mother & sister-in-laws for being the women they are & raising the amazing children they brought into this world.

Why? They had to tote more than one child to the doctor, the dentist, the cheerleading tryouts, the football games, the soccer games, the swimming meets, the plays, oh! geez I'm getting stressed just "typing" about it! Ha!

As my closest friends & family know, I'm not the most punctual person in the world. I was late for my own wedding rehearsal...for good reason I may add. Anyway, I woke up this morning with great intentions of getting ready & having time to run by Starbucks for a tall skinny latte & a cinnamon scone along with stopping by PetSmart to get Brodie a new leash ~ all of this before the vet's office at twenty after one. I got ready...

At 12:40, I get ready to walk out of the house with Brodie thrilled to be going outside! I had my purse on my shoulder, my keys in hand, Brodie's puppy pack o' papers, & Brodie tucked under my arm (remember, we have no leash yet)...the phone rings. It was Adam reminding me to take the pack o' puppy papers with me. God love him. He tries so hard to mellow me out & keep me on time. Poor kid. I answered with a harsh "I know, I saw them! Gotta go, luvyabye.." The "luvyabyes" are the quick one-worded "I love you too, honey!" byes that no newlywed wife should already be starting. ;) My sweet husband knows me too well & graciously takes it in stride. I hang up. I manage to lock our storm door that you have to "push in" to lock with all of the above still in hand. We get to the car & by the this point, I swear Brodie has made a trip to Starbucks for a shot o' caffeine. I try desperately to open my door (Adam tore the handle off the driver's side door a few weeks back when he locked my keys in my car)...finally, we've made it inside! WHEW! I look at the clock...12:51. Ok, I have twenty-nine minutes to go to PetSmart, find a speedy barista to make a tall skinny double latte, and get to our vet visit by 1:20. I start heading to PetSmart & call Adam to tell him, "I love you too, honey!" & he asks me this...

"Why are you going all the way to PetSmart? Why don't you just go to Wal*Mart? It's a lot closer." I reply, "Gotta go, luvyabye!" Wal*Mart. Crazy, one-lane-outta-thirty-open-everybody-&-their-momma-in-there...Wal*Mart. It's closer. Fortunately for me, Huntsville has exits galore straight to any Wal*Mart we have. I take one closest to where I was on the parkway & head to Wally World. Time ~ 1:00 on the dot.

On my way, I had intelligently thought out my plan ~ park on the grocery side where the dog food, leashes, etc. are so I can make a mad-dash back to the car, run through the drive-thru @ Starbucks, & get to our vet visit by 1:20 ish. FYI ~ dog food, leashes, etc. are on the opposite side of the groceries @ Sparkman Wal*Mart. At least I got my exercise in for the day. I power-walked my way to the leashes, found one, & "self-checked" myself outta there!

Brodie was happily waiting for me. It's so nice to have someone so happy to see you when you're latte-less & stressed to the max. Time ~ 1:13. Crap. It takes a good ten minutes or more to make it to our vet visit. No Starbucks. However, we just might be on time!

Driving carefully because of my precious cargo, I get a call from our cousin Whitney who had just arrived at the vet's office to get her precious pup some medicine for his sprained tail...yes, a sprained tail. I ask her what time it was & relieved with her answer of, "1:15ish, you've got time" we head over the hill & get to our vet visit. Ahhhhhhh...it's 1:20 on the dot. YES! Adam will be so proud! Yeah...1:20 when we pulled into the parking lot. I still have to get my purse, my keys, the pack o' puppy papers, & the precious reason we're here in the first place.

I see Whitney & she's coming to help! God bless her. She takes Brodie so I can fill out paper work (first time visit to this office)...I start filling out my name, address, phone number, & I see it...the line that says, Spouse's Name. Wow. Brodie's first visit to this vet & my first surreal moment with paperwork. It was incredible. All the chaos of the morning disappeared...I am a wife. I have a spouse. He is amazing. He had placed the pack o' puppy papers on the kitchen table before he left for work this morning. He knew I would be running late. He directed me to a much closer leash distributor & told me, "I love you, too" before he hung up. No "luvyabyes," no stressed voice...I love him.

Brodie & I made it through the vet visit. He weighs 15 lbs., is in good health, & costs a lot of money. It's all worth it in the end...just like I know how I was worth my momma's crazy days by the way she put up with me for 23 years...just how Adam was worth his momma's sleepless nights when he would come in late...just how my niece & nephew are worth their momma's running back and forth, to & from...just how I know one day we will have a son or a daughter we'll be taking here & there, needing venti triple lattes with extra whipped cream...

But for now, my punctuality-less self will be taking my time once again & children will be not be in the near future! :)


Beginner Blogger

Beginnings...they always get me. I've never been able to grasp how to truly "begin" anything ~ conversations, emails, phone calls, blogs, relationships.

The latter is now my force for this blog. Many of my friends & family have begun "bloggin'" here & there. I started reading a few & was instantly intrigued. I love to scrapbook! I have, amazingly, started four scrapbooks ~ one for my loving grandparents, one for my precious niece (whoa! still a little overwhelming to say that), one for my amazing mother, & one for my relationship with my wonderful husband, Adam (very overwhelming to say that). However, if you noticed, I said started four scrapbooks. I have not since completed ONE of them! Scrapbooks are supposed to be "captured memories" of life's experiences. I've only captured a handful of memories with my grandparents, Mattie's FIRST year of life (she is almost five), a few *cute* snapshots with my momma, & the FIRST year of Adam & I's FOUR-year relationship.

So, through all of that & after reading a few others, I decided to be a bandwagon blogger. I must say after typing for about a minute or so, it's very therapeautic & will capture memories a lot cheaper than scrapbooking. :P As the titles states, I'll be sharing the BLisSFul (oh, I know, you're laughing because I think it's all going to be peachy...I'm not naive) ;) Beginnings of married life...

and today couldn't have been a more perfect day...to begin.

Adam & I were married one month ago today. February 23, 2008 was the most precious, chaotic day of my life. I'm so thankful for cameras or I would've missed most of it. Wish I could have started bloggin' that day so I could "capture more memories." As I sit here surrounded by Pottery Barn, Bed Bath & Beyond, & Target boxes, ribbons, cards, & a few of our wedding programs, invitations, and save-the-dates...I can't believe it's over. Adam looked amazing. As I walked down the aisle, everything & everyone was a blur except for him. Da, my only & most precious grandfather, let go of my hand & placed it in Adam's. It made me flashback for a moment of our first date. We went to a matinee movie to see Shrek II. We were the only people in the entire theatre. We sat & watched the entire DreamWorks film without even making eye contact. :) I wanted so badly to hold his hand. I remember both of us had our arms crossed hoping one of us would "make the move." He did. He got down on one knee & asked for my hand in marriage on February 23, 2007. A year later, we were married. So that brings me back to one month ago, when we said "I do" & joined our lives together. I'm looking forward to each day as Carrie Boyett. I plan to capture as much as I can through these day to day "blogs" of life. I hope you share in our Blissful Beginnings...