
"Oh a hunting we will go!"

The house hunting has officially begun! Well, sort of.

Adam brought home a Homes & Land magazine yesterday. He had torn out a picture of "a favorite" he eyed earlier in the day. I must say, he has very good taste. :) I'm relieved he & I have the same wants as far as "the" house goes. We are looking for a quaint, cute, little starter home...I cannot wait to get my hands (& my Pottery Barn magazines) on whatever we choose! :P I have been saving pics of ideas I've found for decor, etc. & I'm more than ready to use them!

This summer, we plan on getting everything ready to go (i.e., approvals, etc). I'm very much looking forward to this time in our lives. Granted, I'm extremely thankful we are living "rent free" and have a chance to save some moo-laa, I'm still ready to have our "own" place. I'm ready to "make it ours" and come "home."

So for now, the bows are out & the arrows are sharpened...the hunt is on!

1 comment:

Candace said...

You're a blogger! YAY!! Of course, you will be added to my list of blogs I check daily - ahh....another addiction.

I LOVE blogging. It is, like you said, theraputic.