
1,460 days ago...

after going to Riverbend in Chattanooga, TN...Adam looked at me and said, "Well, where do we go from here?" We had been on a couple of dates before then, but hadn't made it "official."

Here we are, four years later, married, & starting our new lives together. It's amazing how time goes by. My aunt & uncle celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary today. My sister & I were the flower girls & now, 15 years later...their daughter, Sadie, was one of our flower girls in our wedding.

Marriage is an amazing thing. Those of you that are - know what I'm talking about. I figured the butterflies would disappear after we came home from our honeymoon - hearing some people tell us "the honeymoon is over." I beg to differ. The honeymoon has just begun.

He is my other half. He keeps me grounded & loves me unconditionally. I look forward to celebrating our 15th anniversary before we know it. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with my best friend. Happy 4 years, Love.

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