
X marks the spot!

X = accomplished task

Yay! I have managed to mark things off of my "to do" list for this week & it's only Wednesday! Lord willing, it will all be completed by the weekend! *sigh*

~To Do~
* Clean house X
* Laundry
* Dry cleaning to the cleaners
* Send my mother-in-law pictures (I've procrastinated long enough ~ sorry)! X
* Call wedding photographer (I'm about to get ugly)
* Order bridal pictures & wedding pictures (If he answers the phone & tells me what to do) X
* Write a paper for Adam's best friend (I know, but I'm getting a mani/pedi out of it ;) X
* Write some thank-you notes
* Check on flower preservations for my BFF's bridal bouquet (Any suggestions)? X
* Register for professional dev'p classes (@ least 3)
* Check on scores from APTTP
* Reserve condo for beach trip
* Birthday gifts: Mattie (6/22), Ma (7/22)
* Wedding gift: Ally & Todd (7/26)
* Gym (Maybe)?
* Car door/tire fixed
* Green Thumb to the backyard/open pool!
* Buy bathing suit (crap)/ beach supplies X
* Add anything else I've forgotten :) X

~New Items~
*Buy stamps & another brown pen for thank-you notes
*Exchange items @ Pottery Barn
*Mail name change form to Educ. Dept.
*Send invitations for Southern Living @ Home PaRtY! (fyi: It's June 23rd ~ time/location: TBA) Blissful Begs. readers are invitied! :)

*Try to X off more than I add to!

Wish me luck!

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